








A single source of truth for projects

A single source of truth for projects

A single source of truth for projects

Upload and organize project files and documents with a cloud-based system. Share, manage versions, and collaborate. Turn over documents easily on completion.

Upload and organize project files and documents with a cloud-based system. Share, manage versions, and collaborate. Turn over documents easily on completion.

Upload and organize project files and documents with a cloud-based system. Share, manage versions, and collaborate. Turn over documents easily on completion.

Ask us how

Readily access project data from anywhere

Digitize project documents and centralize them without ever losing anything. Enable authorized access for teams to version-controlled files. Upload, access, and share from anywhere.

Enable collaboration and in-time action

Give your teams access to the data they need without having to ask or search. Pre-approve access and add it to workflows to reduce delays and communication breakdowns.

Simplify handover-takeover between teams

Ease handover between lifecycle stages with comprehensive digital documentation. Simplify audits and maintenance work with access to complete historic data and actions.

Streamline processes and workflow automation

Centralized documentation helps ease process automation to streamline operations, optimize collaboration, and enhance efficacy.

Centralized documents with version and access control.

Create a single source of truth for projects

Save time and reduce administrative burden with a secure cloud-based repository of project data that can be accessed securely from anywhere at any time with any device.

  • Centralize your files for easy, anytime access to the latest project documents.

  • Protect your data with encryption and regular backups.

  • Easily scale up storage to meet the needs of large-scale projects.

Enhance collaboration and efficiency

Improve work efficiency and provide your teams with controlled access to the most up-to-date versions of project documents.

  • Ensure relevant teams have easy access to up-to-date files.

  • Link and share files to tasks and workflows to enhance collaboration and decision-making.

  • Simplify inspections, audits, and compliance checks.

Integrate with other management tools

Centralized project files simplify integration across other tools and solutions on the asset management platform.

  • Accelerate data searches. Ensure accuracy, completeness, and timely availability.

  • Improve productivity and efficiency with shared data and insights across teams and lifecycle stages.

  • Enable data integration to streamline processes and get deeper visibility into operations.