






Make communication simple with contextual chat that is built into each task to keep your crew on-task and productive. Never stop for lack of information.

Make communication simple with built-in contextual chat to keep your crew on-task and productive using TaskMapper for Construction by SenseHawk. Never stop for want of information.
Make communication simple with built-in contextual chat to keep your crew on-task and productive using TaskMapper for Construction by SenseHawk. Never stop for want of information.
Make communication simple with built-in contextual chat to keep your crew on-task and productive using TaskMapper for Construction by SenseHawk. Never stop for want of information.
Close the gap between the office and site with real-time coordination using the chat feature built into every task.
Close the gap between the office and site with real-time coordination using the chat feature built into every task.
Close the gap between the office and site with real-time coordination using the chat feature built into every task.

Use in-line chat to keep collaboration in context

Close the gap between the office and site with real-time coordination using the chat feature built into every task.

Attach and send plans, drawings, and files to support the field crew with timely information to address the task at hand without waiting or searching.

Built-in chat for contextual messaging, information updates, and real-time office-field coordination on tasks.

Make communication simple with built-in contextual chat to keep your crew on-task and productive using TaskMapper for Construction by SenseHawk. Leverage secure document sharing. Give all team members access to plans, drawings and files they need without having to ask or look.
Make communication simple with built-in contextual chat to keep your crew on-task and productive using TaskMapper for Construction by SenseHawk. Leverage secure document sharing. Give all team members access to plans, drawings and files they need without having to ask or look.
Make communication simple with built-in contextual chat to keep your crew on-task and productive using TaskMapper for Construction by SenseHawk. Leverage secure document sharing. Give all team members access to plans, drawings and files they need without having to ask or look.

In-line chat for real-time collaboration

Keep teams on track with contextual messaging intrinsically linked to the task they are working on. Provide additional inputs and information in real time to close the job at hand.

In-time information for onsite crews

Give all team members access to plans, drawings and files they need without having to ask or look for them. Attach images, video, and additional files using contextual chat.

Respond and track fast

Share updates and progress to ensure everyone is on the same page without having to work through lengthy meetings and complex Q&A to extract relevant information.